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Rad 16: Rad 16:
|link      = Praecereus
|link      = Praecereus
'''''Praecereus''''' är ett [[släkte]] i tribus [[Cereeae]], [[underfamilj]]en [[Cactoideae]] och [[familjen]] [[kaktusväxter]], som innehåller 6 [[arter]] och underarter.<ref>{{bokref/NCL}}</ref><ref>{{bokref/TCF}}</ref>
'''''Praecereus''''' är ett [[släkte]] i tribus [[Cereeae]], [[underfamilj]]en [[Cactoideae]] och [[familjen]] [[kaktusväxter]], som innehåller 6 [[arter]] och underarter.
Plants shrubby to treelike, sometimes becoming prostrate, mostly freely branching, lacking mucilage, to 6 m (20 ft) high.
Stems slender, columnar to arching.
Ribs 7 or more.
Areoles usually prominent, round, gray.
Spines needle-like or awl shaped.
Flowers open at night, sturdy funnelform to bell shaped, white to yellowish green;
pericarpels and floral tubes stout, thick walled, often curved, fleshy.
Fruits fleshy, short ovoid, red, dehiscing laterally along one side;
floral remains persistent.
Seeds black, elongate ovoid, somewhat compressed laterally, tuberculate.
Praecereus was described by Franz Buxbaum in 1968 to include six species, most of which had earlier been placed by Curt Backeberg in subgenus Hummelia of Monvillea.
Backeberg had noted that the flowers had stout, curving floral tubes and oblong ovaries, distinguishing the group of species from others in Monvillea.
The name Praecereus is derived from the Latin prae-, before, thus somewhat cryptically, before cereus.
Buxbaum placed Praecereus in the tribe Cereeae, a tribe that has had many convolutions as researchers have attempted to delimit the groups in it.
Praecereus (type, P. smithianus = P. euchlorus subsp. smithianus) is just such an example of a small group of species that have been placed in various genera.
The International Cactaceae Systematics Group initially included Praecereus in Monvillea (Hunt and Taylor 1986), then moved Monvillea and Praecereus into Cereus (Hunt and Taylor 1990).
Finally, investigations by Nigel Taylor and Daniela Zappi (1989) and Taylor (1992,1997a) have clarified the situation somewhat.
Still, boundaries between the genera remain fuzzy, even taking geography and anatomy into consideration.
Two species are of Praecereus are recognized in the treatment here.
Praecereus Buxbaum 1968
Monvillea Britton & Rose 1920, in part and probably including the type
Subfamily Cactoideae, tribe Cereeae.

== Arter ==
== Arter ==
Rad 25: Rad 55:
::[[Praecereus euchlorus ssp. smithianus|''P. euchlorus'' ssp. ''smithianus'']]   
::[[Praecereus euchlorus ssp. smithianus|''P. euchlorus'' ssp. ''smithianus'']]   
:''[[Praecereus saxicola|P. saxicola]]''  
:''[[Praecereus saxicola|P. saxicola]]''  
Praecereus Buxb 1968BBP 44: 273. Etym: Latin, prae, before, + Cereus, supposedly a precursor of Cereus. T: Cephalocereus smithi¬anus. Syn: Monvillea B+R 1920/CBR 2: 21, excl. typ. Distr: AR, BO, BR, CO, EC, PE, PY, VE.
Bo shrubby, <6 m; br cylindric, ±erect, sprawling or creeping, 1.5-10 cm Ø, green or grey-green, not glaucous; ri 4-15, low or <2 cm; ar 0.5-3 cm apart, 1.5-9 mm, with short felt; fl lateral or sub-apical, nocturnal, funnelform, 6-13 x 3-10 cm; pc+hyp with widely spaced conspicuous sc <5 mm, often decurrent; otep green to pink; itep white; sti 10-20; fr ovoid to ellipsoid, <4-7 x 1.5-5 cm, green, reddish or yellowish, with sc, laterally dehiscent; rem eventually turning brown but not blackening; sd 1.7-2.2 mm, broadly oval¬brown-black, relief convex, microrelief striate.
• A widespread genus with perhaps only two clearly recogniza¬ble species, distinguishable on their divergent floral syndromes: presumed bat (P. euchlorus) and hawkmoth (P. saxicola). The first has a stout hyp and broad tep, the second a much more slender hyp and fully expanded, narrow tep with exserted sta. Ritter (1979/KSA 1: 251), using the names Monvillea paxtoniana (= P. saxicola) and M. alticostata (= P. euchlorus), indicates that they are sometimes sym¬patric in Paraguay.10854 P. amazonicus (Vaup) Buxb —> P. euchlorus ssp. amazonicus
10855 P. apoloensis (Card) Buxb 1968BBP 44: 275. B: 01408 Monvillea apoloensis Card 1961/CSJA 33: 74. T: BO, La Paz, Caupolican, between Apolo and Santa Cruz del Valle Ameno, 1400 m, Aug 1959, Cárdenas 5521 (LIL 531597). >>> P. euchlorus ssp. amazonicus
10856 P. campinensis (B+V) Buxb 1968BBP 44: 276; 00124 Cereus campinensis (B+V) Braun 1988/Brdl. 6: 86. B: 07471 Pilocereus campinensis B+V 1949/AJBRJ 9: 162. T: BR, Sáo Paulo, between Campinas and Mogi Mirim, Voll (RB 65045). Illus: Bkbg 1960/CH 4: figs 2216, 2217. P. euchlorus ssp. euchlorus [ß 128.3]
12767 P. euchlorus (KSch) Tayl 1997/CCI 3: 10. B: 00130 Cereus euchlorus [Web ex] KSch 1897/GK 84. ST: BR, Sáo Paulo, Binot; PY, Lindman 4, Balansa 2675 [LT or NT to be selected]. Distr: AR, BO, BR, CO, EC, PY, VE.
Bo ±erect, shrubby, branching near or above base, 1-6 m; br <10 cm Ø; ri 4-15, <2 cm; ar <3 cm apart; sp c. 10-21, whitish grey with dark tips; csp 1-4, <1-7.5 cm; rsp 8-20, <1-2 cm; fl 6-10 x 3-7 cm; hyp 2-2.5 cm Ø; tep not becoming fully patent or only at apex, <16 mm Ø; sta ±included; fr diverse, <6 x 5 cm.
• Very variable in a given region, depending on the habitat and degree of exposure, as well as between regions:
13221 ssp. euchlorus. Distr: AR (Misiones), BO (Santa Cruz), BR (Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Sáo Paulo), PY.
Bo a large shrub <5 m; br erect, <6 cm Ø; ri 7-9; sp 7-11, 5-15 mm, black-tipped; fl campanulate-funnelform, <10 x 6 cm; hyp 2 cm Ø; sc prominent, decurrent; itep white, tinged green; fr globose-ellip¬soid, <6 x 3.5-5 cm, yellow tinged red. 0 128.2-3
12768 ssp. amazonicus (Vaup) Tayl 1997/CCI 3: 10. B: 00117 Cereus amazonicus [KSch ex] Vaup 1913/NBGB 283; 1913/MfK 23: 164. T: PE, San Martin, Tarapoto, Ule 53 (B, alc). Distr: BO (Beni, La Paz), PE (San Martin).
Br <4 cm Ø; ri 6-8, <0.7 cm; ar 0.6-1.7 cm apart; sp <0.8(-3) cm, slender, weak; fl <8 x 4.5 cm; fr <5 x 3 cm. ß 128.1
12769 ssp. diffusus (B+R) Tayl 1997/CCI 3: 10. B: 10167 Monvillea diffusa B+R 1920/CBR 2: 24, fig. 23. T: EC, common on the hillsides of the Catamayo valley [2170 m], 3 Oct 1918, Rose et al. 23325 (US). Distr: EC, PE. Illus: B+R, l.c. fig. 23.
Bo an ungainly shrub, 1-6 m, often forming thickets; br erect, arching or sprawling, <7-10 cm Ø at base, younger growth 3-6 cm Ø, green or grey-green; ri 4-9, 0.5-1.5 cm high, somewhat crenate; ar 1.5-2.5 cm apart; csp 0-4, 2-7.5 cm; rsp 7-13, 5-15 mm; fl 6-9.5 x 3-4 cm; otep green with red midrib; itep white; fr ovoid, 3-5.5 x 2-4 cm, green, tinged red. 4 128.4
13222 ssp. jaenensis (R+B) Osto 1998/CCI 6: 9. B: 01413 Monvillea jaenensis R+B 1957/DCN 33. T: PE, [Amazonas,] Huan¬cabamba valley, km 130, 600 m, 1956, Rauh K 78, np? Illus: Bkbg 1960/CH 4: 2211, pl. 181-182.
Br 5-10 cm Ø; ri 11-14, 0.5 cm; sp <1-5 cm; fl 6 cm; fr 4 x 1.5 cm, green. 0 128.5
12770 ssp. smithianus (B+R) Tayl 1997/CCI 3: 10; 10859 P. smithianus (B+R) Buxb 1968BBP 44: 273; 00111 Cereus smithianus (B+R) Bkbg 1931/NK 69. B: 08334 Cephalocereus smithianus B+R 1920/CBR 2: 37, figs 43, 46, 47. T: VE, between La Guayra and Caracas, just below Zig Zag, 25 Oct 1916, Rose & Rose 21889 (US). Distr: CO, VE.
Bo resembling ssp. diffusus, but shrubby, sometimes with a short tr <15 cm Ø; br erect or arching and sprawling, <5 m x 4-8 cm Ø, green; ri 8-11; ar c. 2 cm apart; sp c. 13; csp <3-4 cm, red to black at first; rsp c. 1 cm, white; fl 6-8 x 4 cm; sc red-tipped; itep short, rounded and apiculate, white; fr ovoid, 4-5 x 3-4 cm, red, minutely scaly, splitting on one side when mature; pulp white. 0 128.6
10857 P. jaenensis (R+B) Buxb >>> P. euchlorus ssp. jaenensis 10858 P. maritimus (B+R) Buxb 1968/BBP 44: 276. B: 10172
Monvillea maritima B+R 1920/CBR 2: 24. T: EC, nr Santa Rosa, common in coastal thickets, Oct 1918, Rose et al. 23495 (US). P. euchlorus ssp. diffusus
12771 P. saxicola (Mrng) Tayl 1997/CCI 3: 10. B: 00154 Cereus saxicola Mrng 1893/ANYAS 7: 121. T: PY, nr Trinidad, Morong s.n. (NY). Syn: C. paxtonianus sensu Hk 1899BM t. 7648 non Monv; Monvillea cavendishii sensu B+R non Cereus cavendishii Monv.; M. rhodoleucantha (KSch) Bgr. Distr: AR, BR, PY.
Bo shrubby, branching at base; br suberect or clambering, 1-3 m
x 2-3 cm, dark green; ri 7-10; ar 5-15 mm apart; csp 1-4, <2 cm, dark brown or black; rsp 6-10, 5-10 mm, bristly, brown; fl 10-13 x 6-10 cm; otep tinged pink or green; itep white; fr globose to ellip¬soid 5-7 x 4-5 cm, red. * 129.1
• Better known under the various synonyms listed. The identity of the original C. cavendishii and C. paxtonianus cannot now be determined, but they were probably a species of Acanthocereus.
10859 P. smithianus (B+R) Buxb >>> P. euchlorus ssp. smithianus

== Referenser ==
== Referenser ==
Rad 70: Rad 61:
[[Kategori:Växtsläkten i Sydamerika]]
[[Kategori:Växtsläkten i södra Sydamerika]]
[[Kategori:Växtsläkten i Argentina]]
[[Kategori:Växtsläkten i Paraguay]]
[[Kategori:Växtsläkten i västra Sydamerika]]
[[Kategori:Växtsläkten i Bolivia]]
[[Kategori:Växtsläkten i Colombia]]
[[Kategori:Växtsläkten i Ecuador]]
[[Kategori:Växtsläkten i Peru]]
[[Kategori:Växtsläkten i Brasilien]]
[[Kategori:Växtsläkten i norra Sydamerika]]
[[Kategori:Växtsläkten i Venezuela]]
[[Kategori:Att göra|3. Skriv mer om släktet]]
[[Kategori:Att göra|3. Skriv mer om släktet]]

Versionen från 25 november 2015 kl. 17.27

Buxb. 1968
P. saxicola
P. saxicola
Tribus Cereeae
Underfamilj Cactoideae
Familj Cactaceae
Ordning Caryophyllales
Överordning Eudicotyledonae
Underklass Angiospermae
Rike Plantae

Praecereus är ett släkte i tribus Cereeae, underfamiljen Cactoideae och familjen kaktusväxter, som innehåller 6 arter och underarter.



P. euchlorus - mörkgrön nattkaktus[3]
P. euchlorus ssp. amazonicus
P. euchlorus ssp. diffusus
P. euchlorus ssp. jaenensis
P. euchlorus ssp. smithianus
P. saxicola


  1. ^ Hunt, David R.; Taylor Nigel P., Charles Graham.: The new cactus lexicon, dh books, Milborne Port 2006 (eng). ISBN 0953813444 (complete work). Libris. 
  2. ^ Anderson, Edward F: The cactus family, Timber Press, Portland, Or. 2001 (eng). ISBN 0-88192-498-9. Libris. 
  3. ^ SKUD, Svensk kulturväxtdatabas (SLU) - mörkgrön nattkaktus - - I tryckt form: Aldén, Björn; Ryman, Svengunnar; Hjertson, Mats Våra kulturväxters namn: ursprung och användning. Formas, Stockholm, 2009. ISBN 978-91-540-6026-9